BA Psychology (BAPC) Counseling Schedule

BA Psychology (BAPC)

Class Schedule for September and October 2019

08.09.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-1
14.09.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-1
15.09.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-1
15.09.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-2
21.09.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-2
22.09.2019 Class Cancelled
29.09.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-3
06.10.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-3
12.10.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-3
12.10.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-4
13.10.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-4
20.10.2019 Mr. Shareef Kalathil BPC-4

# Class Timing 9.30 to 1.30. Be on time!!

*Must Bring IGNOU ID Card for classes

*Must Confirm your classes on previous day between 4 pm - 6 pm through your Whatsapp Group 
or check this  Blog.

NB: This is the last schedule for these four subjects because IGNOU changed all syllabus for BA Courses from this term.

Course Coordinator Zakariya 9946169444

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